Induction Tooling News

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Tom Buehner picture

John Kobus Celebrates 35 Years at Induction Tooling!

John Kobus

We congratulate John for achieving 35 years of collaboration, dedication and success at Induction Tooling, Inc.! 

 John is an artist at work – – his fabrication and machining skills are meticulous. 

 Not only is John an excellent Journeyman Toolbuilder, he also manages our Induction Laboratory and is an accomplished Metallurgical Technician.

Tom Buehner picture

David Lynch Celebrates 40 Years at Induction Tooling! 

David Lynch

Diligent . . . Passionate . . . Multi-Talented . . . Intuitive . . . Industrious . . . these words and many more describe David Lynch!

On July 2, 2024, David celebrated 40 years with Induction Tooling, Inc.  This milestone was accomplished by his commitment to excellence and consistent hard-work and dedication.

David, you are the G.O.A.T. of Induction!  Congratulations on this outstanding achievement!


Induction Tooling Has Been Featured In Many Publications

how to improve inductor life

Heat Treating Progress:
How To Improve Inductor Life

Profile on Induction Tooling

Industrial Heating:
Profile on Induction Tooling

Tooth-by-Tooth article from Thermal Processing

Thermal Processing:
Tooth-by-Tooth Induction Hardening of Gears

Industrial Heat Treating Wheel Bearing Induction

Industrial Heat Treating:
Wheel-Bearing Induction Hardening

Thermal Processing Q&A with Bill Stuehr

Thermal Processing:
Q&A with Bill Stuehr

Induction Tooling, Inc.

12510 York-Delta Drive
North Royalton, Ohio 44133

Phone: 440-237-0711
Fax: 440-237-7009

Induction Tooling Inc. Map